Use of technologies during and after lecture:

 Theoretical base for different types of assessments i.e. formative assessment, summative assessment, instant feedback and engagement, final assessment, peer-assessment

Opportunities for applying these assessments with technology instead of traditional paper and pen methods 

Facilitate assessment with the aid of technology Part 1



Facilitate assessment with the aid of technology Part 2



Should you need transcripts or translations as subtitles for the video, please click on the title of the video and you will be redirected to Youtube where subtitles are enabled.

Transcript and multilingual translations Part 1

Transcript and multilingual translations Part 2

Share your thoughts and experience on the threads:
 "What are the biggest challenges in assessment and evaluation?". 
 "What are the examples you use for more innovative assessments than pen and paper exams?". 
Or open up a discussion post on the Bridges Forum and connect to others on this social platform. 

နောက်ဆုံး ပြင်ဆင်ထားသော: Thursday, 16 March 2023, 3:05 PM