This module aims to offer a birds-eye-view to the interdisciplinary field of technology use in education, main theoretical and practical implications. It will overview different concepts aiming at gaining an understanding between theory and practice in the field.  By the end of this topic the participants will know:

  • The main implications of the use of technology in education, the differences between different notions used in the field such as Technology-enhanced learning, Networked learning, educational technologies, e-learning, distance learning etc.
  • The participants will be able to understand theoretical constructs behind specific notions
  • Participants will know how to use design principles in planning the lessons 
  • Participants will know how to apply neuroscientific evidence and cognitive sciences to address the main shortcomings and affordances of the use of technology in education
  • Practically understand how to use technologies before, during and after lessons for effective teaching and learning. They will also be able to use assessment methods and technological tools for assessment.

دواین گۆرانکاریکردن: Tuesday, 7 February 2023, 10:05 AM