1. E-learning tools for group work

In the educational technology universe there are numerous tools that can promote collaboration and group work. From the technical point of view, some tools have been developed specifically for that purpose (e.g. BSCW, Project Pier). The most common option in such tools is the possibility to share folders, collaboratively redesign documents (saving previous versions) and promote the communication with other members of the group. These tools allow sharing of documents safely across the Web, organizing team work and cooperating efficiently.

Although not developed specifically for collaboration, Web 2.0 tools are based on collaboration as a crucial part of the interchange between the users, and the majority of Web 2.0 tools allow collaboration through comments, tagging, sharing documents etc. So, even when there are tools designed for other purposes (create a document, a mind map, publish a video), they can be used for collaborative learning and group work, taking advantage of the social characteristics they have.

Some, for example videoconferences, blogs or social networking sites, enable online communication and can be used for exchange of opinions, comments and ideas with others.