E-learning tools for group work
Course: | How to design and facilitate an online course |
Book: | E-learning tools for group work |
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Date: | Thursday, 6 February 2025, 7:05 AM |
List of tools supporting group work
1. E-learning tools for group work
In the educational technology universe there are numerous tools that can promote collaboration and group work. From the technical point of view, some tools have been developed specifically for that purpose (e.g. BSCW, Project Pier). The most common option in such tools is the possibility to share folders, collaboratively redesign documents (saving previous versions) and promote the communication with other members of the group. These tools allow sharing of documents safely across the Web, organizing team work and cooperating efficiently.
Although not developed specifically for collaboration, Web 2.0 tools are based on collaboration as a crucial part of the interchange between the users, and the majority of Web 2.0 tools allow collaboration through comments, tagging, sharing documents etc. So, even when there are tools designed for other purposes (create a document, a mind map, publish a video), they can be used for collaborative learning and group work, taking advantage of the social characteristics they have.
Some, for example videoconferences, blogs or social networking sites, enable online communication and can be used for exchange of opinions, comments and ideas with others.
2. Specific collaboration tools
These are tools specifically created for collaboration in groups:
- BSCW (https://public.bscw.de/pub) is a collaborative platform in which you can store, share and manage files (documents, pictures etc.). You can grant password-protected access to friends and colleagues; create arbitrary numbers of teams; invite new members simply by email; manage appointments, contacts, tasks and notes; use versioning and change reports to monitor distributed processes; stay aware of your teammates´ activities; create and publish blogs; use polls to sample your teammates' opinions; send automatic reminders of events to remember and things to do;
- TWIDDLA (http://www.twiddla.com) is a free, web-based meeting playground;
- Padlet http://padlet.com) tool for a virtual collaboration wall;
- Google groups (https://groups.google.com/forum/#!overview);
3. Collaborative creation of documents
- Google Drive is a file storage and synchronization service provided by Google consisting of collaborative text-editing, spreadsheet and presentation tools (http://www.google.com/intl/es/drive/about.html).
- Wikis are collaborative websites which allow users to add, modify or delete content via a web browser. The most common example of a wiki is Wikipedia, also an unmatched example of collaboration. Some examples of wiki tools are:
4. Collaborative mind maps
Collaborative mind maps are also a good way to share ideas, brainstorm or develop an idea collaboratively. Some examples of collaborative mind mapping tools are:
- Mind42: Collaborative web-based tool with unlimited simultaneous users (http://mind42.com)
- Mindmeister (http://www.mindmeister.com)
- Cmaptools (http://cmap.ihmc.us/)
- Bubbl.us (www.bubbl.us)
5. Videoconferences
Videconferences can be used for online meetings at a distance at a set time for a selected group of people. Some of the videoconferencing tools you may find useful in your classroom are:
Google Hangouts (http://www.google.com/+/learnmore/hangouts)
- AdobeConnect (http://www.adobe.com/products/adobeconnect.html)
6. Blogs
Blogs are often sites for individual online publishing, but they have potentital for collaboration and group work thanks to the possibility to have more than one author and to comment on what was published. Popular blogging tools you may consider using with your students are:
7. Social networking sites
Nowadays social networks are one of the most used online tools in everyday life as well as work. They allow users to stay in touch with others, share information easily and make contacts with people - these characteristics can be used for online collaboration of a group of classmates on a task, to share the results of their practical work with the community asking for feedback or ideas for solutions, as well as to contact remote students and teachers studying the same vocational subject, with a different perspective and from a different context. All this provides opportunity for collaborative learning and group work and can enrich the learning process. Users can join a social network that already exists (e.g. Facebook, in which you can create your work group) or create their own network (with Social go, Elgg etc.):
- Facebook (www.facebook.com)
- Social GO (http://www.socialgo.com)
- Elgg (http://elgg.org)
8. Other tools
Other tools, such as file hosting services (e.g. www.dropbox.com) or social media sites, are designed for resource sharing, which can be very useful when working on a learning activity in a group. Social media sites are used to share media objects (video, images, audio, slides etc.), but as the name implies, they include intensive social interaction between the users. Once a resource is published online it can be collaboratively analysed, commented on and ideas further developed. Examples of tools belonging to that group and bearing potential for classroom use are:
- Video:YouTube (www.youtube.com)
- Presentation: Slideshare (www.slideshare.com)
- Pictures:Flickr (http://www.flickr.com)
- Webpages: Diigo (htpps://www.diigo.com)
In this module we suggest that you meet again in a videoconference where you will think about another specific form of learning in an Internet environment - group work. This time also, to make this meeting possible, we ask you to select one of the proposed dates [DATES TO BE PROPOSED BY FACILITATOR] for the videoconference using the poll provided for you. The meeting is planned for 1,5 - 2 hours.