Open Educational Resources (OER) are learning, teaching and research materials in any format and medium that reside in the public domain or are under copyright that have been released under an open license, that permit no-cost access, re-use, re-purpose, adaptation and redistribution by others (Definition by UNESCO)

 Information and communications technology provide great potential for effective, equitable and inclusive access to OER and their use, adaptation and redistribution. They can open possibilities for OER to be accessible anytime and anywhere for everyone, including individuals with disabilities and individuals coming from marginalized or disadvantaged groups. 

 Educators are encouraged  to capitalize on the unique rights associated with open content also known as the 5Rs: the ability Retain, Reuse, Revise, Remix and Redistribute content for educational purposes.

The 5r permissions of OER

How to produce an OER:

Written-visual, animated-still documents and content to be prepared in any program (Word, pdf, video, educational tools, etc.) using educational materials and tools can be shared on the web free of charge with Creative Commons licenses. Sharing can be provided on systems such as Youtube, Google Drive, Forum sites, Udemy, Khan Academi, MIT. The organization called OER Commons (, which acts to spread openness in education, offers many educational resources as well as opportunities to create your own open course materials, courses and modules.

Produce an OER:

  1. Plan.

  2. Pick a Tool.

  3. Make Accessible.

  4. Use Other Resources.

  5. Share.

  6. Update & Evaluate.


  1.  Imagine your course and mix in the creativity

Example:  Imagine how you could  engage with students as creators of information rather than simply consumers of it

  1.  Choose a suitable platform for your course

Example: It can be simply a webpage or one of the existing platforms 

  1. Learn about many  open authoring tools 

Example: Weebly for website creation

  1. Check the already existing resources 

Example: Browse the video lectures, YouTube

  1. Recycle, repurpose, reuse what already exists

Example: Download and embed a video lecture to your webpage, attach a power point from google drive

  1. Attribute the resource you used

Example: Attribute the licence of the existed materials

  1. Set your newly created OER free and open and remember to apply an open license 

Example: Attach a licence to the newly created OER; for example webpage


  • Open up a discussion thread on the Bridges Forum and connect with others on this social platform. 

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